Friday, July 6, 2012

Andrew Jackson Hill (?) Tintype ca 1880s

Although no one has confirmed the identity of the man in this tintype, to me he looks like the same man Patsy identified as Andrew Jackson Hill (below), father of William Claborn Hill.  He appears to have more whiskers above.   A. J. Hill was born 5 Jun 1840 in Camden, Union County Arkansas.  I'd estimate the tintype date to be ca 1880s.  

As an interesting side bar, A. J.'s nose tip deviates to the left in these tintype images.  However, since tintype images are reverse images, in later photographs his nose tip deviates to the viewer's right.   

1 comment:

  1. Papa Hill's father and Mama Hill's father shared a few things:
    1. Both were given the same first name: Andrew
    2. Both were given the same middle name: Jackson
    3. Both served as Texas Rangers.
    4. Both were inducted into, and served honorably in the Confederate Army.
    5. Both survived the Civil War.
    6. After the war, both lived in the Merkel Texas area.
    7. Both were buried in the Merkel Cemetery.
    8. Both were honored three years ago by a ceremony conducted by retired Texas Rangers, and special Texas Ranger grave markers.
    9. Both are my maternal great grandfathers.

