Friday, June 8, 2012

A. J., Lee, Papa Hill, "Red" in 1946

My mother wrote on the reverse, "A. J. Hill, Lee Smith (Elsie Lou Hill's husband), Papa Hill, 'Red' Hill."  This photo seems to be taken on the same day in 1946 as the photo with the notation that Sylvia was age 13, so...

Alton Jackson (A. J.) Hill Sr. (b. 17 Sep 1908) was around 38 years old.

Lee Matt Smith Sr. (b. 27 Sep 1904) was around 42 years old.

William Claborn "Willie" (W. C.) Hill (b. 28 Feb 1874) was 72 years old.

William Wallace "Red" Hill (b. 12 Sep 1903) was about 43 years old.

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